Pulse Outputs Section 7-6
7-6 Pulse Outputs
7-6-1 Applicable Models
7-6-2 Outline
The FQM1-MMP21 Motion Control Module provides 2 pulse outputs. The
pulse outputs can be used for the following functions.
Note Set the pulse output operation mode for each output in System Setup (Pulse
Output Tab Page).
Note (1) The processes listed in the following table can be performed for the PV of
a pulse output, pulse output counter timer, or one-shot pulse output
elapsed time.
(2) Cannot be combined with pulse output in independent mode.
Model Functions
FQM1-MMP21 Motion Control Module with Pulse I/O
Function Description Processing for PV
Pulse output opera-
tion mode
The pulse outputs can be used for positioning or speed control at
a fixed duty ratio. Select one of five pulse output operation
modes: Relative pulse output, linear absolute pulse output, circu-
lar absolute pulse output, electronic cam (linear), and electronic
cam (circular).
It is possible to generate tar-
get-value interrupts (see note 2)
or range-comparison bit pattern
outputs based on the pulse out-
put’s PV. (See note 1.)
One-shot pulse out-
Pulse output turned ON for only the specified interval (0.01 to
9,999 ms.)
Calculation (time
Enables use of the pulse output counter as a timer using the
one-shot pulse output timer.
Note Pulses are not output for this mode and the specified port
cannot be used for pulse output.
It is possible to generate tar-
get-value interrupts or
range-comparison bit pattern
outputs based on the pulse
counter’s PV. (See note 1.)
Process Description
Target value interrupts An interrupt task can be executed when the
high-speed counter PV equals a target value.
Bit pattern outputs for
range comparisons
A user-set bit pattern is output internally when the
high-speed counter PV is within a specified range.