Pulse Outputs Section 7-6
7-6-4 Pulse Output Specifications
All Pulse Outputs Except for One-shot Pulse Outputs
One-shot Pulse Outputs
Number of output
1) Relative pulse output: 0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF hex
2) Absolute linear pulse output: 8000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF hex
3) Absolute circular pulse output: 0000 0000 to Circular maximum count hex
4) Electronic cam control (linear) (output with absolute position specification):
8000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF hex
5) Electronic cam control (circular) (output with absolute position specification):
0000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF hex
Note The number of pulses is not set for a one-shot pulse output or pulse counter timer.
Storage location for
pulse output PV
The PVs for pulse output operation modes 1 to 5, listed above, are stored in 8-digit hexadecimal
in the following Auxiliary Area words:
Pulse output 1: A621 (upper bytes) and A620 (lower bytes)
Pulse output 2: A623 (upper bytes) and A622 (lower bytes)
Target value comparison interrupts or bit pattern outputs for range comparisons can be per-
formed on the PV.
Note The contents of these above words are updated during I/O refreshing.
Item Specification
Number of pulse out-
2 outputs
Signals Pulse output CW and CCW
Max. output fre-
1 MHz (but actual output frequencies are governed by clock
frequency setting)
External power sup-
5 VDC +10%/–15%, 120 mA max.
Line-driver output Conforms to Am26LS31 and max. output current is 20 mA.
Item Specification
Number of pulse out-
2 output
External power sup-
24 VDC +10%/–15%, 30 mA max.
Max. switching
NPN open-collector, 80 mA at 5 to 24 VDC ±10%
Min. switching
NPN open-collector, 7 mA at 5 to 24 VDC ±10%
Leakage current 0.1 mA max.
Residual voltage 0.4 V max.
Output pulse width (Set time) ± (1 µs or 0.1% of the set time, whichever is larger)
1. The load during measurement is assumed to be a simple re-
sistive load and the impedance of the cable connecting the
load is not considered.
2. The actual pulse width might be smaller than the value given
above due to pulse waveform distortion caused by imped-
ance in the connecting cables.
Item Specification
pulse width