6-5SectionOperations in the System Installer Mode
After initialization, the memory switch statuses are as follows.
Memory Switch Status
Start-up Wait Time 00
Key Press Sound ON
Buzzer Sound OFF
Printer Controller ESC/P
Print Method Tone (NT31C only)
Screen Saver Movement Display erased
Screen Saver Start up Time 010
Hist. Disp. Method From New Data
Resume Function OFF
Comm. Auto-return OFF
Time-out Interval 01
Retry Counts 005
Comm. A Method Host Link (communications speed = 9600 bps)
Comm. B Select RS-232C
Comm. B Method None
* The communication conditions for a bar code reader are initialized as follows:
Data bits: 7 bits; stop bit: 1 bit; parity: none; flow control: RS/CS.
6-5 Operations in the System Installer Mode
The following functions can be executed in the System Installer mode:
• Setting the display language (see below)
• Clearing/installing the system program (page 151)
• Disabling/enabling display of the System Menu (changing the system settings)
(page 153)
• Disabling/enabling writing to the screen data memory (changing the system
settings) (page 153)
• Clearing screen data (page 154)
For details on calling the System Installer mode, refer to Calling the System In-
staller Mode (page 138).