
4-1SectionConnecting to the RS-232C Port at the Host
CS1 series CPU type : CS1G/H-CPUjj-E (-V1)
Connect to the built-in RS-232C port of the CPU, or the RS-232C port of the
communication board. Note that the connection to a peripheral port must be
made via an RS-232C adapter (CS1W-CN118) specially designed for connect-
ing to a peripheral port.
PC Setup
When connecting to a CS1 series CPU, set the following communication condi-
tions for the PC Setup area. Since the settings shown below are the PC default
settings for the CPU, no change to the PC Setup is necessary as long as the
communication speed is maintained at 9600 bps.
Item Setting at Host
Communication speed Set the same speed as set at the NT31/NT31C(*1)
Stop bits 2 stop bits
Parity Even
Data length ASCII 7 bits
Unit No. for the host link 00
*1 Set the host link communications speed at 9600 bps or 19200 bps with the
memory switch at the NT31/NT31C. For details, refer to Settings the Host Link
Method (page 160). When the communication speed is set to 19200 bps, the PC
Setup of the CPU need to be changed.
Either set the PC Setup directly from a Programming Device (Programming
Console), or transmit the PC Setup made at a Programming Device (CX-Pro-
grammer) to the CPU.
For details on PC Setup, refer to the SYSMAC CS1-series Operation Manual
When using the built-in RS-232C port of CS1G/H
Word # Writing Value Settings
160 8000
Host link mode, data length 7 bits,
2 stop bits, even parity
0000 Communication speed: 9600 bps.
0007 Communication speed: 19200 bps.
166 0000 Unit #00
When using the peripheral port of CS1G/H
Word # Writing Value Settings
144 8000
Host link mode, data length 7 bits,
2 stop bits, even parity
0000 Communication speed: 9600 bps.
0007 Communication speed: 19200 bps.
150 0000 Unit #00