
3-4SectionConnecting a Bar Code Reader
3-4 Connecting a Bar Code Reader
Connecting a bar code reader to the NT31/NT31C enables bar code data to read
as character strings into character string input fields, and set in character string
memory tables.
In order to use a bar code reader, the Comm. A Method memory switch must be
set to Bar-Code Reader.
For details on the method for inputting character strings with a bar code reader,
refer to 3-7 Input of Numeric Values and Character Strings in the NT31/NT31C/
NT631/NT631C Programmable Terminal Reference Manual.
Note Make sure that the power supply to the bar code reader and the power supply to
the PT are both OFF before connecting or disconnecting the cable.
3-4-1 Connection Method
Connect the bar code reader to serial port A of the NT31/NT31C, as shown in the
figure below.
Bar code reader
9-pin connector
Serial port A
(RS-232C, 9-pin)
Connector cable Bar code reader cable
Bar code reader must match the communication setting (3-4-2 Setting a Bar
Code Reader, page 37) and data format (3-4-3 Data Format, page 38) in order to
connect to the NT31/NT31C. Please confirm the specification of the bar code
reader before using.
For details on making a connector cable, refer to Appendix G Making the Cable
for Connection to a Bar Code Reader (page 271).
Reference: The bar code reader must be connected to serial port A. This means that it cannot
be connected at the same time as the Support Tool. Note also that when a bar
code reader is used, the host must be connected at serial port B.
3-4-2 Setting a Bar Code Reader
After connecting a bar code reader, set the communication conditions and other
settings for it by selection from the system menu.
At the NT31/NT31C, set the communication conditions for communication with
the bar code reader by using the memory switches, selecting from the options
indicated in the table below.
For more detailed information on the actual system menu operations, refer to
6-10 Setting the Bar Code Reader Input Function (page 188).
Item Possible Settings Default Setting
Data bits 7 or 8 bits 7 bits
Stop bit(s) 1 or 2 bits 2 bits
Parity None, odd, even Even
Communications speed 4800, 9600, 19200 bps 9600 bps
Input Method Manual, Auto Manual
Settings at the