Glossary-13615-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
auto backup A function of the dial backup module (DBM) or carrier-mounted dial backup unit,
whereby the DSU activates the DBM to reestablish a line automatically when a
facility alarm is detected from the DDS network.
auto restoral A function of the DBM whereby the DSU automatically returns to the DDS
network when service is restored over the private line. On point-to-point circuits,
the DSU test the integrity of the DDS network before switching data back to the
private line.
callback directory pointer The directory entry in an originating DBM consists of the answering DBM’s
telephone number, a delimiting character, and a callback pointer. The pointer
identifies the originating DBM’
s telephone number in the answering DBM’
Backup Directory.
carrier The DSU device for mounting circuit cards that contains 17 slots: 1 control slot for
an SDU, with 16 DSUs and DBM or modem slots.
carrier-mounted A Model 3616 DSU that is designed for installation in a COMSPHERE 3000 Series
Carrier and used at central-site operations. Up to 16 DSUs can be installed per
carrier, with 6 carriers per cabinet.
channel A channel is an independent data path used for full-duplex transmission of
customer data.
CMI Control Mode Idle. A control signal sent over the DDS line to indicate that no data
activity is being sent.
A DSU, DBM, or modem that is, for diagnostic purposes, at the logical head of a
hierarchical network. It is the unit from which tests and commands are issued to
other units on the same circuit. There is only one control per link.
Control Channel (CC) The diagnostic interface between an NMS and the SDU.
core A function of the circuit card that provides data transmission capability
. W
ith a
DualFlow DSU, there are two cores – one in the DSU and one in the DBM; data
can be transmitted through either. The function of the DSU that is normally running
when power is supplied to the unit is the
primary cor
e. The core that is transmitting
data is the
active cor
Canadian Standards Association.