Unit Configuration
5-153615-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
Table 5-4
(3 of 3)
DBM Port Configuration Options
CCN by EL: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Configuration Change
Notification by External Leads
. Controls using the general-purpose output leads to set a CCN
event. This configuration option only has an effect if
Ext Leads
is set to ExtLd.
Enab — Change in state of a general-purpose lead signals CCN to the NMS.
Disab — General-purpose lead changes do not set a CCN event.
DTR Alarm: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Data Terminal Ready Alarm
. Causes the DSU to generate an alarm if DTR is Off for more than 30 seconds. The DCP
DTR Alarm
and reports the alarm to the NMS.
Enab — If DTR lead turns Off for 30 seconds, the DSU generates an alarm.
Disab — Regardless how long the DTR lead is Off, no alarm is generated.
Async→Sync: Enab for DiDg, Disab for SyBC and SyBT configurations
Next Enab Disab Prev
Asynchronous-to-Synchronous Conversion
. Sets the DBM port for asynchronous or synchronous operation.
Enab — Configures the DBM as asynchronous (asynchronous-to-synchronous conversion takes place).
Disab — Configures the DBM as synchronous.
AsyncBit/Char: 8 for DiDg configuration
Next 6 7 8 9 10 Prev
Asynchronous Bits per Character
. Specifies the length of a character, including the parity bit but excluding the start and
stop bits. This configuration option only applies to the Dial Diagnostic (DiDg) configuration.
6 to 10 — Selects the asynchronous bits per character. When Stop Bits is set to 2, 10 will not be displayed.
Stop Bits: 1 for DiDg configuration
Next 1 2 Prev
Stop Bits
. Specifies the number of stop bits in an asynchronous character. This configuration option only applies to the
Dial Diagnostic (DiDg) configuration.
1 to 2 — Selects the number of stop bits to be used. When the AsyncBit/Char configuration option is set to 10, 2
will not be displayed.
Overspeed: 2.3 for DiDg, not applicable for other configurations
Next 1.0 2.3 Prev
. Selects the overspeed range of the asynchronous-to-synchronous converter. This configuration option is
only displayed when the Async→Sync configuration option is enabled.
1.0 — Selects the basic overspeed range. Basic range provides 1.0% overspeed in the DTE or router
asynchronous data rate.
2.3 — Selects the overspeed percentage for extended range. Extended range provides 2.3% overspeed in the
DTE or router asynchronous data rate.