COMSPHERE DualFlow Data Service Units
C-6 December 1996 3615-A2-GB20-20
Table C-3
(3 of 3)
Device Health and Status Messages
Redun Fan Alarm Indicates a problem with the fan on the –48 Vdc Central Office Power Unit.
Redun Pwr Alarm Indicates a problem with the power on the –48 Vdc Central Office Power Unit.
Subnetwrk Alarm A major alarm was set Off by one of the devices in your subnetwork. Check the
Subnetwork Health and Status report.
Subtree Truncat Downstream health and status information has been truncated because it overflowed
system limits.
OutofFrameThresh For DBMs operating on a single port (rate adaption or nondisruptive), the local DBM
has detected a continuous Out-of-Frame condition. The alarm clears when a local DBM
synchronizes with a remote DBM.
On a point-to-point circuit, if the alarm continues and the local DSU is configured for
automatic backup, the local DSU disruptively tests the DDS circuit. If the test fails, the
local DSU initiates a DDS Facility Alarm and initiates dial backup.
DDS Indicates the speed (
) of the DSU core when there are no alarms.
Disable Transmitter at
(DSU or DBM) is disabled. (Go to the Control branch to enable the
DSU or DBM.)
DTR Alarm The DTR lead at
(DSU or DBM) has been Off for more than 30 seconds.
StreamTerm Streaming terminal. DTE at
(DSU or DBM) has its RTS lead turned ON longer than
the predefined time.