8335-A2-GB20-70 February 2003 C-1
Connector Pin Assignments
Model 8820 GranDSLAM Telco Connector Pinouts
The Telco 50-pin connectors on the back of the GranDSLAM (numbered 1–18)
provide the 2-wire loop interface from each DSL port to either the POTS splitter
shelf or, if the loop is not being shared with POTS, then to the Main Distribution
Frame (MDF). The following table lists the pin assignments for each of these
Port Pins Port Pins Port Pins Port Pins Port Pins
1 1, 26 6 6, 31 11 11, 36 16 16, 41 21 21, 46
2 2, 27 7 7, 32 12 12, 37 17 17, 42 22 22, 47
3 3, 28 8 8, 33 13 13, 38 18 18, 43 23 23, 48
4 4, 29 9 9, 34 14 14, 39 19 19, 44 24 24, 49
5 5, 30 10 10, 35 15 15, 40 20 20, 45 25 Not
Number 50
Number 1