3. Configuration
8335-A2-GB20-70 February 2003 3-27
For the Models 8355, the following ATM Parameters screen appears:
To configure ATM parameters:
1. Select the interface to be changed (dsl1:1 through dsl16:1 on the
Model 8335, dsl1:1 through dsl12:1 on the Model 8365, or dsl1:1 through
dsl24:1 on the Models 8355 and 8385).
2. Position the cursor in the field you wish to modify. Type the value you want
and press Enter.
3. Save the changes as prompted.
For . . . Enter . . .
CAC Percent Bandwidth
Utilization (Models 8335,
8365, and 8385 only)
A percentage from 0 to 9999 (Default = 150 for both
rt-VBR and nrt-VBR classes of service).
The values represent the amount of oversubscription
the Connection Admission Control algorithm allows for
the class of service.
Uncorrected HEC Count A number from 0 to 1000, or a D for Disable
(Default = 100).
If the number of HEC errors exceeds the selected
number within a 15-minute period, an SNMP trap is
sent. If Uncorrected HEC Count is set to Disable or
0, no trap is ever sent. If set to 1, a trap is sent after
each Uncorrected HEC Count event.
OCD Event Count
(Models 8335, 8365, and
8385 only)
A number from 0 to 1000, or a D for Disable
(Default = 0).
If the number of Out of Cell Delineation (OCD) events
exceeds the selected number within a 15-minute
period, an SNMP trap is sent. If OCD Count is set to
Disable or 0, no trap is ever sent. If set to 1, a trap is
sent after each OCD Event Count event.