2. Menus and Screens
8335-A2-GB20-70 February 2003 2-3
4. Status Line is the last line of the screen. It displays status about the selected
card and all interfaces. Each time the screen is refreshed, one of the following
lines is displayed in rotation:
Line 1:
Slot 02: 8335: Card Status: _ _ _ Wan Status: U
Line 2: Slot 02: 8335: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Line 3: Slot 02: 8335: Press ? For Help
Naming Conventions for Ports and Interfaces
Special naming conventions exist for the Port Name and Interface Name fields.
Port Name – Identifies a physical port. It consists of a family name (dsl for a
DSL card), and a port number. The port number can range from 1 to the
number of ports on the card. For example: dsl12.
Interface Name – Identifies a logical connection. It consists of a family name
and a port number (same as the port name), followed by a number identifying
a logical interface on the port. Currently the interface number is limited to 1.
For example: dsl12:1.
Line 1 Text Description
Slot number of the card
8335, 8355, 8365, or
Model number of selected card
Card Status:
_ or T
_ or M
_ or R
Test mode. Card currently in test mode (T) or _ for no active
Major alarm. Major alarm present on card (M) or _ for no
active mralar byuyu2.7(r).0034 Tc-0.0014 Tw[(2ct)14.8(412.4(mbeMi)(n)-11r)-.7( p12.1(TD0)-7.1 b)2m.1.16 TDMin7( p12)]TJ-7.(u7( p12.1(TD0)-7.1 b)2m.3(( p12r).6( -1.8.5(e)1.16 TD2.1c1.8.5a]TJ-7.d(( p1211.R5(am).2(o)11.82)-5.9( 78.5)]TJ-7.e )1-12.o12.7(52.8( m5(n7( p12)]TJ-7.(0035 Tc-0.0015 Tw[47ct)14.8(12.8(r)5)9.7()-8.12(r)-m)-1.(n)4)]TJ01.16()-.7 TD0.0033 Tc-0.0813 4.8(i93-4(rd)91)3( T)]TW.3(5a]T16 TD 0.2( )-1216(m))-1216(mu]T16 TDn)1467 :0034 Tc-0.0014 -d)9.3( c3)13.3(8T)]TD f)26-8.129.3(.16 TDUTD0.0039 Tc.0014 Tw[Ma)12.7(jo2.4(mbeUber)3(o)16 TDli.3(f)2nk3.3(d )sta)16 TDt)(t)s3.3(d :0034 Tc-0.0014 -d)9.14( c3)13.33(8T)]TD Tf07(=1.333Do)78.5wna)-1412..8.5 U=Up76 53.6145 TD0797 107.881 Tm0.0022 406 T2Tj9 0 0 9Line 1 Tex2 Description