5446 RTU Setup
April 2000
Community String Entries
The Community String Selection fields are located before the selection buttons
near the bottom of the screen and can display a read-only and a read-write
community string.
The read-write Community Name defaults to ‘private’. The read-write Community
Name is used by the IP Injection tool to send SNMP messages to the 5446 RTU.
The IP Injection tool and the 5446 RTU also use the private Community Name to
make changes to the 5446 RTU configuration.
To change a community string, enter the new community string in the text input
box (up to 32 characters). Click on the Inject button. Changes to:
H Read-write community string result in two messages: Operation
successful followed by SNMP Timeout Error. Enter the newly created
community string in the top right Community field and click on the Get All
button to finalize the update.
H Read-only community string results in the message: Operation
successful. If you click on the Get All button with the read-only community
string, the read-write community string will display <unknown> for security
purposes. The read-only Community Name defaults to ‘public’.