5446 RTU Setup
8000-A2-GB20-50April 2000
IP and Device MIBs Supported
The IP Injection MIB provides the capability to inject IP address information for
hosts, applications, networks, or a local device. The following pdn-IP Injection
Objects (pdn-common 11) contain IP address information. Information built from
this table includes:
H Host IP Routing. Displayed in the MIB II IP Route Table as read-only.
H Service IP Address. Displayed in the MIB II IP Address Table as read-only.
The IP Injection Table supports:
H One NAP IP Address injected as the Peer IP Address from the Hotwire DSL
system. The NAP IP Address should not be added, deleted, or changed via
H Four service domain IDs.
H Thirty-two Host Routes, Routers, and/or Subnets.
H One Default Gateway.
H One Next Hop Router.
Additional pdn-common MIBs Supported
The RTU also supports the following pdn-common MIBs:
H Device Status Group, pdn-common 4
H Device Traps Manager Group, pdn-common 9
H Device Control Group, pdn-common 10