RADSL Card Configuration
April 2000
Configuring the MCC Card, DSL Cards, and RTUs
Use the procedures in the following order to configure the MCC card and
RADSL cards for the basic setup for terminal management and user data
It is assumed that you have read the Hotwire 8540 and 8546 RADSL Cards
Network Configuration Guide and have assigned service and management
domain IP addresses for all devices (MCC, DSL, and RTUs).
The following tables list the basic steps you need to do to configure the MCC
cards, DSL cards, and RTUs.
For the Management Domain,
perform task . . .
On the . . . See the . . .
1. Configure time and date. MCC
Hotwire Management
2. Assign the IP address to the
backplane on the MCC card.
Communications Controller (MCC)
Card User’s Guide
3. Assign the IP addresses to the
DSL cards.
4. Create SNMP Community Strings
and Authentication Failure Trap.
5. Create default route. MCC
6. Reset the MCC card. MCC
7. Select a DSL card to configure. DSL Card Selection Screen in Chapter 2,
Hotwire Menus and Screens.
8. Configure 5446 RTU IP host
address for the 8546 RADSL
card. (Not applicable to 8540
RADSL card.)
DSL DSL Card Configuration Interfaces
Screens, page 3-15 (A-C-B).
For each Service Domain,
perform task . . .
On the . . . See . . .
1. Configure a static route to the
DSL DSL Configuration IP Router
Screens, page 3-20 (A-E-A).
2. Assign IP addresses to the DSL
card LAN.
DSL DSL Card Configuration Interfaces
Screens, page 3-15 (A-C-B).
3. Reset the DSL card. DSL DSL Configuration Card Status
Screens, page 3-7 (A-A-F).
4. Create DHCP Relay Agent. DSL Configuring DHCP Relay Agent
(dynamic addressing),
page 3-29 (A-G).
5. Create default route or source
route on DSL.
DSL DSL Configuration IP Router
Screens, page 3-20 (A-E-A).
6. Create SNMP Community Strings
and Authentication Failure Trap.
DSL DSL Configuration SNMP Screens,
page 3-26 (A-F-B).
7. Configure RTU Information DSL DSL Configuration RTU Screens,
page 3-31 (A-H-A).