Ethernet Main Window 156
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 12 • Ethernet
Note that the speed settings indicated above could indicate that the device
reached this speed duplex as a result of an auto-negotiated link, or from
being forced into this link state.
PrimaryIPAddress (boxEtherAPrimaryIpAddress)
The Primary ethernet IP address.
PrimaryIpMask (boxEtherAPrimaryIpMask)
The primary ethernet IP subnet mask.
PrimaryIpFilters (boxEtherAPrimaryIpFilters)
Filters packets based on the filters assigned to the Primary IP address of the Ethernet port. Enter the Filter ID
of a filter configured under Filter IP. Separate multiple filters using a comma (,).
SecondaryIpAddress (boxEtherASecondaryIpAddress)
The secondary ethernet IP address.
This address is not propagated via RIP.
SecondaryIpMask (boxEtherASecondaryIpMask)
The secondary IP ethernet IP subnet mask.
SecondaryIpFilters (boxEtherASecondaryIpFilters)
Filters packets based on the filters assigned to the Secondary IP address of the Ethernet port. Enter the Filter
ID of a filter configured under Filter IP. Separate multiple filters using a comma (,).
Only outbound filters can be applied to the secondary Ethernet. Inbound fil-
ters for the secondary Ethernet must be entered in the Primary IP Filter field.
Technique (boxEtherATechnique)
Turns ethernet port off and on. The remote access server must be reset for this setting to take effect.
• disable(0)—ethernet port is disabled
• static(1)—ethernet port is turned on. IP address(es) and mask(s) are obtained from data entered under the
Indicates the specified fixed rate and duplex for the Ethernet interface.
• auto(0)-- auto-negotiate the settings for the interface (default)
• 100M_full(1)-- force the interface to 100M & full duplex
• 100M_half(2)-- force the interface to 100M & half duplex
• 10M_full(3)-- force the interface to 10M & full duplex
• 10M_half(4)-- force the interface to 100M & half duplex