Far End Line Statistics—Totals 273
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 22 • T1/E1 Link
Far End Line Statistics—Totals
Click on Far End Line Statistics—Totals to display the total statistics of errors that occurred during the previ-
ous 24-hour period (see figure 114).
Figure 114. Far End Performance window
Errored Seconds (dsx1FarEndTotalESs)
The number of far-end errored seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour interval.
Severely Errored Seconds (dsx1FarEndTotalSESs)
The number of far-end severely errored seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour
Severely Errored Frame Seconds (dsx1FarEndTotalSEFSs)
The number of far-end severely errored framing seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-
hour interval.
Unavailable Seconds (dsx1FarEndTotalUASs)
The number of far-end unavailable seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour in-24-
hour interval.
Controlled Slip Seconds (dsx1FarEndTotalCSSs)
The number of far-end controlled slip seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour
Line Errored Seconds (dsx1FarEndTotalLESs)
The number of far-end line errored seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour interval.
Path Code Violations (dsx1FarEndTotalPCVs)
The number of far-end path coding violations reported via the far-end block error count encountered by a
DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour interval.