Dial In Modify default window 75
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
Enables or disables V90 modem modulation
Enables or disables K56flex modem modulation
Enables or disables V34 modem modulation
Allows V.32 and V.32bix modulations up to 14.4 kbps. The following options are available:
• disable(0)—neither option is enabled
• enable(1)—support V.32 and V.32bis modulations.
Enables or disables V23 modem modulation
V22 (diModemV22Enable)
Allow V.22 or Bell 212 modulations. The following options are available:
• disable(0)—Neither option is enabled
• enableV22(1)—Enable V.22 modulation
• enableBell212(2)—Enable Bell 212 modulation
Allow V.21 or Bell 103 modulations. The following options are available:
• disable(0)—Neither option is enabled
• enableV21(1)—Enable V.21 modulation
• enableBell103(2)—Enable Bell 103 modulation
Maximum V8 Failures (diModemMaxV8Failures)
Number of times the modem will attempt a V.8 connection before it is reinitialized. Upon reinitialization it
will automatically start making a V.8 connection.
This is for leased line operation only.
MaxSpeed (diModemMaxSpeed)—Not Currently Implemented
This variable assigns the fastest data rate that will be negotiated. The range is 300–64000.
MinSpeed (diModemMinSpeed)—Not Currently Implemented
This variable assigns the slowest data rate that will be negotiated. The range is 300–33600.
Increasing this number may prevent users with slower modems from success-
fully connecting.