Introduction 21
Model 3088A Series Getting Started Guide 2 • Configuration
Configuring the DIP switches
The Model 3088A is equipped with three sets of DIP switches, which you can use to configure the OnSite for a
broad range of applications. This section describes switch locations and discusses the configuration options available.
By default, the OnSite’s DIP switches are all set to “OFF” so the CPE can be
configured via OnSite Plug ‘n’ Play from a 3096RC. If that is how you will
be configuring the CPE, skip ahead to section “Ethernet Management Port”
on page 27. Otherwise, read the following sections to manually configure the
DIP switch settings.
Pass Framing
(Model /K)
When enabled, the OnSite transparently passes framing information
(E1 TS0) over the DSL link to the remote E1 network.
Enabled or Disabled.
Pass Alarms
(Model /K)
When enabled, the OnSite passes alarms detected on one E1 net-
work over the DSL link to the remote E1 network.
Enabled or Disabled
Clock Mode Defines the clock source operation for both DSL and serial/E1
ports as follows. Internal: the on–board oscillator in the 3088A
provides clock for both serial/E1 and DSL lines. External: the
serial/E1interface provides clock for the DSL line. Receive
Recover: the DSL interface provides clock for the serial/E1 line.
Receive Recover
Annex The G.991.2 Annex. A or B
Loopback The 3088A provides both a local loopback (LAL) and a remote
loopback (RDL). This can be used to troubleshoot problems.
Pattern The 3088A provides an internal PRBS pattern generator and
detector that can be used to run BER tests without external equip-
OFF or 511
Table 2. OnSite configurable parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description Possible Values