Introduction 30
Model 3088A Series Getting Started Guide 2 • Configuration
DSL Configuration Commands
The following commands are used to configure the DSL:
• dsl set timeslots <1–32 (e1) | 89 (v.35, x.21) | 4 (rs-232)>: Sets the number of timeslots. For E1 NTUs,
the number of E1 timeslots is set simultaneously. The E1 timeslot mapping will be set to the default. The
data rate is calculated by the equation: data-rate = #timeslots x 64k.
• dsl set annex <a|b>: Set the annex.
• dsl set lineprobe <enabled|disabled>: Enable or disable line probe.
• dsl set loopback <off|lal|rdl>: Start or stop loopbacks.
• dsl set pattern <off|511>: Start or stop PRBS generator and BER meter.
• dsl set mode <co|cpe>: Set the CPE as local (CO) or remote (CPE).
DSL Status Command
The dsl show status command shows the following DSL status information: link state, sync state, link speed,
error counters, line condition, noise margin, and test mode status.
DSL Clear Errcntrs Command
The dsl clear errcntrs command clears the error counters.
E1 Configuration Commands
e1 set linetype <e1-unframed|e1-fractional|e1-crc|e1-multiframe|e1-crc-multiframe>
Select the E1 framing format to use.
e1 set linecode <ami|hdb3|b8zs>
Select the line code to use. HDB3 can only be used for E1 line types.
e1 set lbo <75ohm|120ohm>
Select the line build out.
e1 set ts_map <tsmap>
Specify the E1 timeslots to map to DSL timeslots. This is a string that can contain ranges (-) and groups (,).
For example, the string 2-4,8-9 will select timeslots 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9.
e1 set rxeq <enabled|disabled>
Enable or disable the Rx equalizer. This is usually only enabled for long haul applications.
e1 set passalarms <enabled|disabled>
Specify whether to generate alarms on the remote unit when detected on the local unit.
E1 Status Commands
e1 show status: Shows the active E1 configuration, loss-of-signal and framing errors, alarms, and performance