Introduction 29
Model 3088A Series Getting Started Guide 2 • Configuration
- Line Errored Seconds
- Bursty Errored Seconds
- Degraded Minutes
Help Commands
The following commands are provided to help the user find the correct command:
• help: Lists all the commands that the console recognizes.
• system help: Lists all the commands that start with system that the console recognizes.
• system set help: Lists all the commands that start with system set that the console recognizes.
• system show help: Lists all the commands that start with system show that the console recognizes.
• dsl help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl that the console recognizes.
• dsl set help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl set that the console recognizes.
• dsl show help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl show that the console recognizes.
• dsl show errcntr help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl show errcntr that the console recognizes.
• e1 help: Lists all the commands that start with e1 that the console recognizes.
• e1 set help: Lists all the commands that start with e1 set that the console recognizes.
• e1 show help: Lists all the commands that start with e1 show that the console recognizes.
System Configuration Commands
The following commands allow the user to configure the system:
• system set password <password>: Sets the system password.
• system set devicetype <dte|dce>: Sets the serial device type as DTE or DCE. Only valid in CO mode.
• system set circuitid <circuitid>: Sets the circuit ID.
• system set clockmode <internal|external|receiverecover>: Sets the clock mode. Internal clock mode
means the 3088A provides the clock to both the DSL and the serial/E1 interface. External clock mode
means the 3088A uses the serial/E1 transmit clock as its DSL transmit clock. Receive recover clock mode
means that the 3088A uses the DSL receive clock as its DSL transmit clock and as the serial/E1 receive
The following commands allow the user to view the current system configuration:
• system show config: Shows the configuration of the entire system, including DSL and serial/E1 lines.
Any changes to the system configuration or the DSL configuration will be lost on the next power cycle unless
the changes are saved. The command system save config is used to save the changes.
System Status Commands
The following commands show system status:
• system show status: Shows the following system status information: LEDs, DSL test mode, front panel
switch settings, DSL link state, and configuration mode.