6 ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Monitoring ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Alarm Overview
ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Alarm Overview
The ECG, arrhythmia, and ST alarms available depend on which measurements are switched on, and
the arrhythmia option enabled for your monitor.
• Cardiotach alarms are available when HR is on and the active alarm source is ECG
• Basic arrhythmia alarms are available when Arrhythmia is switched on
• Advanced arrhythmia alarms are available when Arrhythmia is switched on and the Advanced
Arrhythmia option has been enabled for your monitor
• ST alarms are available when ST analysis is switched on and ST leads are selected for analysis.
Cardiotach Alarms Alarms with Basic
Arrhythmia Option
Alarms with Enhanced
Arrhythmia Option
ST Alarms
***Extreme Bradycardia
***Extreme Tachycardia
**High heart rate
**Low heart rate
***Ventricular Tachycardia
**Pacer Not Capture
**Pacer Not Pacing
**Frequent PVCs (PVC >
**Supraventricular Tach
**Missed Beat
**Irregular HR
**Ventricular Rhythm
**Run PVCs High
**Pair PVCs
**R-on-T PVCs
**Ventricular bigeminy
**Ventricular trigeminy
**Nonsustained V-Tach
**Multiform PVCs
**ST <Lead> High
**ST <Lead> Low