C.O./CCO Warning Messages 13 Monitoring Cardiac Output
C.O./CCO Warning Messages
Warning messages contain important information about the C.O. measurement.
C.O./CCO Safety Information
WARNING Catheter constant: Make sure that the arterial catheter constant for the measurement is appropriate
to the catheter used.
Computation Constant: Make sure that the computation constant for the measurement is
appropriate to the injectate volume, injectate temperature and catheter type used.
IABP: Do not perform transpulmonary thermodilution measurements on patients undergoing IABP
CCO accuracy: Accuracy of the CCO measurement and all the derived values may be influenced by
patients with valve diseases or artificial valves.
C.O. and MRI: Do not use the Cardiac Output Interface Cable in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) Applications.
Aortic graft patients: Do not use an arterial catheter in the arteria femoralis when it is contra
indicated, for example, with patients who have an aortic graft.
C.O./CCO Warning Messages Possible Causes
Next measurement erases
older curve
Six curves are stored, this is the maximum possible. If another
measurement is stored, the oldest thermodilution curve will be erased.
Previous C.O. Setup Data
A C.O. module or measurement server extension has been plugged in
with different C.O. setup data from the previous data. The new C.O.
setup data is read from the new C.O. device, and replaces the current
data. The message disappears when the
Start C.O. pop-up key is
Verify the C.O. Setup
A new transpulmonary thermodilution catheter has been connected to
the C.O. Interface Cable.
Check arterial pressure,
CCO cal currently not
Poor or invalid pressure signal, for example if pressure was not zeroed.
Verify the Computation
A new catheter has been plugged in, or the computation constant has
been changed and
Start C.O. has not been selected.
Previous Comp. Constant
A new C.O. module or measurement server extension with a different
computation constant from the current one has been connected. The
new computation constant is read from the new C.O. device, and
replaces the current one. The message disappears when
is selected.