
Changing Loops Display Size 29 Respiratory Loops
Changing Loops Display Size
To change the loops display size, in the Loops window, select the pop-up key Select Size then
Size x 0.5 to display loops at half the usual size
Size x 1 to display loops at the usual size
Size x 2 to display loops at twice the usual size
This does not affect the size of loops printed in reports.
Using the Loops Cursor
To view the coordinates for any point on a stored loop,
1 Select the pop-up key Select Loop.
2 Select the required loop from the list of available loops.
3 Use the arrow pop-up keys to move the cursor around the loop. The values for both loop axes are
shown for every point on the loop.
Select the X at the top of the loop list to exit the cursor.
Changing Loops Type
To change the loop type, in the Loops window, select the Loop Type pop-up key (only available if
the source device delivers three waves), then select
Press/Volume to display Pressure/Volume loops
Flow/Volume to display Volume/Flow loops
Press/Flow to display Pressure/Flow loops.
or, if the source device only delivers two waves,
1 In the Loops window, select the Setup Device pop-up key to enter the
Setup <VueLink Device> menu.
2 Select Wave 1 and select pressure, flow, or volume waves as required. Repeat for Wave 2.
Setting Up Source Device
The source device for the loops is indicated in the Loops window title.
Select the Setup Device pop-up key to view the settings of the current source device.
If the source device is changed, all reference loops from a previous device are cleared from the reference
list when the first loop from the new source device is captured. Reconnecting the previous device recalls
its reference list.