Chapter 10: Glossary
Clear - Used alone or with an input number to stop the dial out for a specific alarm.
Compile - Instructs ISACC to compile your C program.
Data - Instructs ISACC to display the records of the data logging function.
Delete - Allows deletion of one or more lines of your C program.
Diag - Runs a diagnostics test to help pinpoint functioning errors.
Disable - Used alone or with a specific input number to disable dial out for that input or all
inputs if used alone.
Erase - Used to delete an entire C program at once.
Exit - Used to exit out of ISACC.
Help - Used alone to list commands and set/show key words.
Insert - Allows insertion of one or more lines into your C program. Note: to modify an
already existing line, the line must to be deleted (see below) and then be inserted as a new
line at that point.
List - Used to list the C program. If used alone, ISACC will list the whole program. If used
with one number after, it will list that line number. If used with two numbers, it will list
from one line to the other.
Patch - Used alone to allow communication from a modem/phone line to devices connected
to the RS232 port, turning ISACC into a transparent modem. This command is used only
when communicating via modem.
Reset - Used alone or with a specific input number to reset minimum and maximum values
and pulse count values.
Run - Executes the C program once.
Start - Initiates the C program.
Stop - Halts the C program.
123 - Instructs ISACC to display the records of the data logging function in a format that
allows exporting into a spreadsheet.