
Chapter 7: Programming
ISACC allows you to create up to four custom linear analog tables to be used with 4-20mA or
0-5V analog sensors. This allows you to translate a 4-20mA or 0-5V signal into a more mean-
ingful number. For example, if your transducer is calibrated for 0-10' of water depth, an
ITYPE of #3 (4-20mA) will express the water level as a percentage. However, using a table
with a low of 0 and a high of 10, the water level will be expressed in feet. When you type
SET TABLE, ISACC prompts you to enter the high and low values that ISACC will use to
calculate the table. NOTE: To use a table, the input type must be programmed as Analog
Table 1, 2, 3, or 4.
To display the current input table configuration and range, type show table after an ISACC
prompt. You may also display a specific table by typing show table followed by the table
ISACC>show table
0 = 0-5 Volt input
1 = 4-20mA input
Table #1 low number = 0000
Table #1 high number = 1023 input = 0-5 V
Table #2 low number = 0000
Table #2 high number = 1023 input = 0-5 V
Table #3 low number = 0000
Table #3 high number = 1023 input = 0-5 V
Table #4 low number = 0000
Table #4 high number = 1023 input = 0-5 V
To configure the tables and set high and low values, type set table after an ISACC prompt.
Enter a value and press ENTER to go to the next parameter. You may also program a specific
table by typing set table followed by the table number.
ISACC>set table
0 = 0-5 Volt input
1 = 4-20mA input
Table #1 low number = 0000 >
Table #1 high number = 1023 >0800 input = 0-5 V >
Table #2 low number = 0000 >
Table #2 high number = 1023 >2300 input = 0-5 V >1
Table #3 low number = 0000 >
Table #3 high number = 1023 > input = 0-5 V >
Table #4 low number = 0000 >
Table #4 high number = 1023 >0768 input = 0-5 V >