
Chapter 7: Programming
Online time out - When you are online with ISACC locally or remotely, the unit looks for
inactivity. This parameter allows you to set the amount of time, 1 - 255 minutes, that ISACC
will wait during inactivity before it terminates the online session, the default is 4 minutes. If
there is inactivity that meets this parameter, ISACC will disconnect and display the message
TIME OUT on your screen.
Acknowledge on carrier - When ISACC dials out in data mode, the unit will wait to
receive a carrier signal from a modem. This tells ISACC that a telephone connection has been
made. The acknowledge on carrier parameter allows you to program ISACC to self-acknowl-
edge an alarm when it receives the carrier signal. To acknowledge on carrier, type Y for yes. If
you do not want ISACC to acknowledge on carrier, type N for no. The default is Yes.
When used with the SHOW command, the SYSTEM keyword also displays the following
information in addition to the current values of the above parameters:
Alarm acknowledgment status - This parameter tells you if any alarms exist and, if so,
whether they have been acknowledged or not. To see which inputs are in alarm, type SHOW
C program run status - This parameter will indicate if there is a C program running or not.
Data log status - This line will indicate if the data logger is currently running.
Current temperature - ISACC has a temperature sensor on its circuit board. This parameter
will display the current board temperature, not air temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit and
degrees Celsius.
Battery level - This parameter displays the present voltage of the backup battery, rounded to
the nearest whole number.
AC power status - This parameter displays the status of the AC power. NOTE: You may use
power outage as a system alarm by controlling it through a C program. See Chapter 8.
To display the current system information and global parameter values, type show system at
an ISACC prompt:
ISACC>show system
No unacknowledged alarms exist
C program not running
Data logger not running
The temperature is 78 Deg F, 25 Deg C
Battery level is 21 V
AC power is OFF
Unit identification = Snow
Phone number of unit = 555-4592
Data password = 23B79Q4
Network node = 1
Rings until answer = 3
Phone dialing (0=pulse, 1=tone) = 1
Time between calls = 0 Min 30 Sec
Wait time between rounds = 5 Min
Maximum number of calls = 3