
p Pressing MULTI-CONTROL up or down en-
ables you to perform the equivalent opera-
3 Press the center of MULTI-CONTROL to
narrow down the content of the category.
When a category is selected, the content of
the category will be narrowed down.
When a song is selected, it plays the selected
p Pressing MULTI-CONTROL right enables
you to perform the equivalent operation.
p When a category is selected, the first song
of the selectedcategory is played by press-
ing and holding the center of
! Pressing MULTI-CONTROL right en-
ables you to perform the equivalent op-
p When the lower tier of items are listed, the
list returns to the uppermost tier of items by
pressing and holding MULTI-CONTROL
! If the uppermost tier of items are listed,
this operation is not available.
p Selecting Allon the list displays all op-
tions in thecurrent category. For example,
if you select Allafter selecting Artists,
you can proceed to the next screen with all
artists in the list selected.
4 On the song (or episode) list, press the
center of MULTI-CONTROL to play the se-
lected song (or episode).
Searching for applicable
items alphabetically
Using the search control displays the page
which includes the first applicable option.
p This function is available for the alphabeti-
cal list only.
1 Press the LIST button to display the top
category menu.
p To return to the previous screen, press the
BAND/ESC button.
2 Turn MULTI-CONTROL to display the de-
sired category.
3 Press the center of MULTI-CONTROL to
confirm the selected item.
The lower categories are displayed.
4 Press the LIST button to change the
search mode to alphabetical search.
5 Turn MULTI-CONTROL to select the de-
sired character.
6 Press the center of MULTI-CONTROL to
begin a search.
p An article listed below and space at the be-
ginning of the artist name will be ignored
and the next character will be taken intoac-
count for searching.
! Aor a
! AN, An,oran
! THE, The,orthe
p If alphabetical search is aborted, Not
Found is displayed.
7 On the song (or episode) list, press the
center of MULTI-CONTROL to play the se-
lected song (or episode).
Playing songs related to
the currently playing song
You can play songs related to the currently
playing song, using of the following lists.
Using an iPod