c Should End User enter into anycommercial
arrangement for advertising, pay-for-place-
ment, promotion or any similar paid brand
marketing exposure with anyowners (or
their representatives) of any of the brand
icons supplied with the Brand Icon Li-
censed Tele Atlas Product, Tele Atlas shall
receive no less than twenty five percent
(25%) of any revenues collected in the con-
text of anysuch commercial arrangement,
unless other wise agreed-to in advance and
in writing by both parties.
10 Additional Provisions with respect to
Tele Atlas
3D Landmarks Licensed Tele
Atlas Product (the “3D Landmarks”):
(The following provisions only refer to the pro-
ducts which contain Tele Atlas
3D Landmarks
Licensed Tele Atlas Product.)
Licensee agrees to include as soon as practi-
cally possible, but no later than the first new
release of the Value Added Product following
Licensee’s receipt of any 3D Landmarks, any
copyright notices related to the display of such
landmarks on every Value Added Product and
in the “about box” of the Value Added Product.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, Tele
Atlas has the right to decide, at its sole discre-
tion, to remove specific 3D Landmarks in sub-
sequent releases of the Licensed Tele Atlas
Products. In such case, Licensee will remove
those 3D Landmarks from the Value Added
Product as soon as practically possible, but
not later than the first new release of the Value
Added Product following Licensee’s receipt of
the Update to the Licensed Tele Atlas Product.
Tele Atlas shall not be held responsible for any
possible damages, costs or expenses incurred
by Licensee related to such removal of a 3D
Landmark by Tele Atlas from the Licensed Tele
Atlas Product or failure to remove a 3D Land-
mark by Licensee from the Value Added Pro-
11 Copyright Notices.
Licensee shall conspicuously display each ap-
plicable then current copyright notice for the
Licensed Tele Atlas Products on the initial
splash screen, in the code, on the storage
medium, on the packaging, in the “Help/
About” section, in the operator’s manual, and
in any displayed or printed map image, for
each Value Added Product that is based upon:
1 Tele Atlas
North America: As of
the Effective Date, the copyright notice is:
“© 2006 – 2009 Tele Atlas. All rights re-
served. This material is proprietary and the
subject of copyright protectionand other in-
tellectual property rights owned or licensed
to Tele Atlas. Tele Atlas is an authorized dis-
tributor of selected StatisticsCanada com-
puter files under Agreement number 6776.
The product includes information copied
with permission from Canadianauthorities,
including © Canada Post Corporation, Geo-
, and Department of Natural Re-
sources Canada, All rights reserved. The
product is sourced in part from Geography
Division, Statistics Canada, 2008 Road Net-
work File (RNF), 92-500-XWE/XWF. The in-
corporation of data sources from Statistics
Canada within this productshall not be
construed as constituting anendorsement
by Statistics Canada of such product. The
use of this material is subject to the terms
of a LicenseAgreement. You willbe held li-
able for any unauthorized copyingor disclo-
sure of this material.”
2 Tele Atlas
Mexico: As of the Ef-
fective Date, the copyright notice is: “©
2006 – 2009 Tele Atlas. All rights reserved.
This material is proprietary and the subject
of copyright protection andother intellec-
tual property rights owned or licensed to
Tele Atlas. The use of this material is sub-
ject to the terms of a license agreement.
You will be held liable for any unauthorized
copying of disclosure of this material.”
License agreement
License agreement