! Album list of currently playing genre
! Album list of currently playing artist
! Song list of currently playing album
p Depending on the number of files in the
iPod, there may be a delay when displaying
a list.
% Touch [Link to Genre], [Link to Artist],
or [Link to Album] to select a search mode.
! Link to Genre:
Plays the album of currently playing genre.
! Link to Artist:
Plays the album of currently playing artist.
! Link to Album:
Plays the song of currently playing album.
“Searching” flashes while searching the list
and then the playback of the list starts.
p The link play mode is canceled by pressing
the BAND/ESC or LIST button when
“Searching” flashes.
p If the related albums or songs are not
found, Not Found is displayed.
Playing all songs in random
order (shuffle all)
% Touch All to turn shuffle all on.
All songs on the iPod will play randomly.
p To turn shuffle all off, set “Shuffle Mode” in
the “Function Menu” screento off.
= For details, refer to Playing songs in random
order (shuffle) on the next page.
Operating the functions
from your iPod
You can control the functions by using iPod it-
self while iPod is connected to the navigation
system. Sound can be heard from the car’s
speakers, and operation can be conducted
from your iPod.
While the control mode is set to iPod (
), you
can operate iPod function from the connected
This function can be operated with the follow-
ing iPod models:
! iPod nano second generation
! iPod nano third generation
! iPod nano fourth generation
! iPod classic
! iPod touch first generation
! iPod touch second generation
! iPhone
! iPhone 3G
! iPhone 3GS
p While this function is in use, even if the
ignition key is turned off, the iPod will not
be turned off. To turn off power, operate the
1 Touch
Ctrl to switch the control
Each touch of
Ctrl changes the settings as
! :
This navigation system’s iPod function can
be operated from the connected iPod.
! No indicator:
This navigation system’s iPod function can
be operated from this navigation system.
2 When you select , operate the con-
nected iPod to select a song and play.
p Switching the control modeto pauses
song playback. Operate the iPod to start
p Even if the control mode is set to
, follow-
ing functions are available from this naviga-
tion system.
! Adjusting the volume
! Fast reverseor forward
! Skip forward or backward
! Playback and Pause
! Sound Retriever
Using Sound Retriever
Sound Retriever function automatically en-
hances compressed audio and restores rich
Using an iPod
Using an iPod