Black plate (17,1)
A new stationcannot be added.
Delete an oldstation to open aspot for a new
The station couldnot be deleted.
Run the samecommand for another station.
The connected deviceis out of area.
Connect the connecteddevice to a network.
The connected deviceis out of area.
Connect the connecteddevice to a network.
The operation wasdisabled.
Run the samecommand for another station.
The application hasnot started running yet.
Follow theinstructions that appear onthe
Handling guidelines
Discs and player
Use only discsthat feature either of thefollowing
two logos.
Use 12-cm discs.
Use only conventional,fully circular discs.
The following typesof discs cannot beused with
this unit:
! DualDiscs
! 8-cm discs: Attemptsto use such discswith
an adaptor maycause the unit tomalfunction.
! Oddly shaped discs
! Discs other thanCDs
! Damaged discs, includingdiscs that are
cracked, chipped or warped
! CD-R/RW discs thathave not been finalized
Do not touchthe recorded surface of the discs.
Store discs intheir cases when notin use.
Do not attachlabels, write on orapply chemicals
to the surface of thediscs.
To clean aCD, wipe the discwith a soft clothout-
ward from thecenter.
Condensation may temporarilyimpair the player’s
performance. Let it restfor about one hourto ad-
just to awarmer temperature. Also, wipeany
damp discs off witha soft cloth.
Playback of discsmay not be possiblebecause of
disc characteristics, discformat, recorded applica-
tion, playback environment,storage conditions,
and so on.
Road shocks mayinterrupt disc playback.
When using discsthat can be printedon label sur-
faces, check theinstructions and the warningsof
the discs. Dependingon the discs, insertingand
ejecting may notbe possible. Using suchdiscs
may result indamage to this equipment.
Do not attachcommercially available labels or
other materials tothe discs.
! The discs maywarp making the discunplay-
! The labels maycome off during playbackand
prevent ejection of thediscs, which may result
in damage tothe equipment.
USB storage device
Connections via USBhub are not supported.
Do not connectanything other than aUSB stor-
age device.
Firmly secure theUSB storage device whendriv-
ing. Do notlet the USB storagedevice fall onto the
floor, where itmay become jammed underthe
brake or acceleratorpedal.
Depending on theUSB storage device, thefollow-
ing problems mayoccur.
! Operations may vary.
! The storage devicemay not be recognized.
! Files may notbe played back properly.
! The device maycause audible interference
when you arelistening to the radio.
Do not leavethe iPod inplaces with high tempera-
Firmly secure theiPod whendriving. Do not letthe
iPodfall onto the floor,where it may become
jammed under thebrake or accelerator pedal.
About iPod settings
! When an iPod is connected,this unit changes
the EQ (equalizer)setting of the iPod to offin
order to optimizethe acoustics. When youdis-
connect the iPod, the EQreturns to the original
! You cannot set Repeatto off on theiPod when
using this unit.Repeat is automatically
changed to Allwhen the iPod is connectedto
this unit.
Incompatible text savedon the iPod will notbe dis-
played by theunit.
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB)
File extension: .wma
Bit rate: 48kbpsto 320kbps (CBR), 48kbpsto
384kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency: 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz
Windows MediaäAudio Professional, Lossless,
Voice/DRM Stream/Streamwith video: Notcom-
File extension: .mp3
Bit rate: 8kbpsto 320kbps (CBR), VBR
Additional information
Additional information