
Release Notes - SIP Application Changes
Page 6 Copyright © 2007 Polycom, Inc.
27040: Added new configurable ring-while-busy options
28029: Added microbrowser support for two-dimensional table navigation
using all four arrow keys
28747: Added a general flash file system caching mechanism so that
downloaded resources can be stored in non-volatile memory
29030: Added automatic provisioning support for individual image files
29854: Added support for tracking of missed calls to be configurable on a per-
line basis
31558: Added synchronization of local DND/CF features with server-based
DND/CF features
31840: Set transfer time-out for image file download to worst case scenario
32259: Added microbrowser support for recognizing mime types
32648: Reformatted call list entries
33616: Added configuration option for default transfer type for SoundPoint IP
320 and 330 phones
33748: Improved resistance to denial of service attacks aimed at phone’s web
34131: Changed URL dialing terminology from "Name" to "URL"
34434: Implemented 300Hz high pass transmit filter to reduce low frequency
noise (noise creates problems in some network line echo cancellers). This can
be enabled or disabled.
34573: Added support for re-establishing a TLS connection if the connection
34625: Added ability to discover provisioning server address using
34651: Added phone serial number (MAC address) to user-agent string HTTP
34685: Renamed "Services" menu entry to "Applications"
34705: Added support in microbrowser for form functionality when embedded
in tbody or out of tbody
34707: Added low-delay handset acoustic echo canceller for SoundPoint IP
320, 330, 430, 550 and 650 phones. This can be enabled or disabled.
34874: If all DNS servers are found to be unreachable, the phone suppresses
DNS queries for 5 minutes (as per RFC 2308 Sec 7.1)
34998: Increased maximum number of registrations on SoundPoint IP 650
phones to 34
35039: Pressing "Exit" soft key when using the microbrowser should return
user to telephony application