
Release Notes - SIP Application Changes
Page 8 Copyright © 2007 Polycom, Inc.
26389: Forward contact which has been disabled is not displayed after a
26935: ACD icon not suppressed if feature is disabled in sip.cfg but activated
in phone1.cfg
27105: The idle browser occasionally displays when the menu is being
27958: Phone hears busy tone for 2 seconds after far end hangs up and
another call is already in the incoming state and has triggered the call waiting
28419: Divert settings for lines 7 to 12 are not used
28503: When in the “held” state, a shared line hears ring tone instead of call
waiting tone when another call comes in
28570: Stuttered dial tone (indicating voice mail waiting) does not work on
shared line
28622: Some UNICODE ranges are not properly mapped
28681: "Forward" is not removed from menu when function disabled
29014: Cannot edit the local directory on the phone if the file is corrupt on the
29358: Phone may crash if the specified DNS server is down and an invalid
SNTP address is configured
29470: Cursor is in wrong position when performing a factory reset on the
SoundPoint IP 301 phone
29573: Phone may freeze if a DNS server address is all zeroes
29966: Phone may reboot if incorrect information is entered in the menu for
custom CA certificate
30880: Phone may crash when editing a server address which is 255
characters long
30902: Auto reject or divert settings changed in a contact after entering
contact directory by pressing and holding a speed dial line key are not
correctly displayed when next pressing and holding that speed dial line key
31019: There is no confirmation pop-up message after choosing to reset the
local security key
31326: Transferring a call to windows messenger or office communicator may
leave the phone in a frozen state
31886: Remote resume does not work on BLA line when call between two
other phones sharing the same line has been put on hold
31994: Trying to delete a null unicode character in the contact list causes the
phone to crash