
Release Notes - SIP Application Changes
Page 46 Copyright © 2007 Polycom, Inc.
15012: Added a workaround to restart the application on the phone if many
tasks get unrealistic task delays during startup (Outstanding issue 11653)
2.18.2 Removed Features
2.18.3 Corrections
The following issues have been resolved with this release:
11264: SoundStation IP 4000 hangs when booting if custom DHCP option 150
of type String is used
11302: SoundPoint IP 300 and 301 incorrectly truncate displayed line label if
the reg.x.label field is empty and reg.x.address is longer than 4 characters
13904: SoundStation IP 4000 always shows LAN Mode as half-duplex
14077: Under certain DNS failover conditions, the phone stops sending DNS
and SIP requests
14110: Phone does not reset to using “All Certificates” for CA Certificates
after the user chooses the Reset Device Settings menu option
14163: Phone incorrectly updates Placed Calls list with an empty entry after
New Call then End Call are pressed
14166: Calls answered on a phone with a shared line are incorrectly logged in
the Received Calls list of another phone sharing that line
14474: Phone won't upload all log files to TFTP boot server if
LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY specified in <Ethernet Address>.cfg doesn't exist
14509: If the SAS-VP xml response has a blank or missing “contactaddr”
element, the phone does not use the “username” field for the contact address
and may lock up during reboot
14510: The “username” field in a SAS-VP xml response is not used as the SIP
login name for authentication of SIP messages
14557: The SAS-VP key is cleared if the user chooses the Reset Device
Settings menu option
14634: Blind transfer fails with certain devices due to NOTIFY behavior
14684: Problems with text entry interface in custom certificate installation
14805: Shared lines behave incorrectly if the line registration contains a '.'
14935: Phone begins to ring when there is no incoming call in specific shared
line scenario
15104: SoundStation IP 4000 CDP does not advertise new link duplex levels
15122: Time displayed on phone changes from correct to incorrect shortly
after a reboot in some scenarios