User’s Guide for Polycom HDX Room Systems
24 Polycom, Inc.
Sites that you have added are stored on your Polycom HDX system as
Favorites. You can remove or edit Favorites. You can also assign Favorites to
groups to more easily find them. Everyone at your site who uses the system
can use the entries you create, and you can use the entries created by others.
Users at other sites cannot access the Favorites on your system.
Polycom HDX systems support up to 1,000 Favorites. They can also support
one of the following:
• Up to 200 additional Favorites with presence when registered with
Microsoft Office Communications Server or Microsoft Lync Server 2010.
• Up to 200 additional Favorites with presence when registered with a
Polycom Converged Management Application™ (CMA®) system.
• Up to 4,000 contacts from up to 5 servers, which appear in the Global
Directory group, when registered with to Polycom GDS server.
• Up to 20,000 contacts when the HDX system is registered with Microsoft
Office Communications Server 2007 or Microsoft Lync Server 2010.
Searching the Directory
1 Press Directory on the remote control.
2 Open a specific group folder if you want to narrow your search results.
3 Enter a name in the search field by:
— Spelling the name using the number buttons on the remote control
— Spelling the name using the onscreen keyboard or by pressing
Keyboard on the remote control
Scroll through the list of names using the Up and Down
arrow buttons or Zoom on the remote control.
4 If the search does not start as soon as you enter a character in the search
field, select the Search button.
For information about using a Microsoft Office Communications Server or
Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010 directory or managing Microsoft Office
Communications Server or Microsoft Lync contacts, refer to Using Microsoft Office
Communications Server or Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Features with Video Calls
on page 39.