User’s Guide for Polycom HDX Room Systems
Polycom, Inc. 33
Using Chair Control for Multipoint Calls
During some multipoint calls, you can use chair control to manage the video.
In this type of call, the chair controller can choose the site whose video is sent
to other sites in the conference. The chair controller can also disconnect a site
or end the conference. Any participant can choose to view a specific site,
request to be the broadcaster, or request to be chair controller.
Only one site at a time can be the chair controller. Before a site can become the
controller, the site with control must give up control.
The type of host for the multipoint call and the systems in the call determine
whether chair control is available.
To use the chair control options when you are in a multipoint call:
1 In the browser address line, enter the HDX system’s IP address to access
its web interface.
2 Click Place a Call.
3 Click Chair Control to go to the Chair Control screen.
Hosted by... Allows chair control if...
Video Conferencing
The call includes:
• Polycom HDX systems, ViewStation® EX, ViewStation
FX, VSX®, and VS4000™ systems connected by IP
H.323, ISDN H.320, or both
• Other systems connected by ISDN H.320 only
Bridge Allowed by the bridge
To use the HDX web interface, you must use Internet Explorer version 6.x, 7.x, or
8.x and configure your browser to allow cookies. Enter the IP address of the HDX
system using the
(for example,
format. If you operate within a secure environment with the
Maximum Security Profile or Security Mode enabled, you must use the
https://IPaddress format.
Using the HTTPS protocol ensures that the configuration of all login information
(such as user names and passwords) are transmitted using an encrypted channel,
including those user names and passwords used to communicate with third-party
systems on your network. Using the HTTPS protocol severely limits the ability of
anyone on the network to discover these credentials.
The Chair Control option is only available when the system is in a multipoint call. It
is not available in cascaded multipoint calls.