User’s Guide for Polycom HDX Room Systems
Polycom, Inc. 31
Passwords for Multipoint Calls
You might be required to enter a meeting password to join a multipoint call.
And you can require that far sites enter a meeting password, to prevent
unauthorized participants from joining multipoint calls hosted by your HDX
To enter a meeting password:
• If a prompt appears on the screen, use the remote control or onscreen
keyboard to enter the password.
• If you hear an audio prompt, use the remote control to generate DTMF
To configure a meeting password:
1 Select System from the Home screen.
2 Select User Settings from the System screen.
3 Enter the password in the Meeting Password field in one of these ways:
— Press the remote control number buttons, using the text-entry method
commonly used with cell phones.
— Press Keyboard to use the onscreen keyboard to enter
4 Press Home to save your change and return to the Home screen.
Multipoint Viewing Modes
What you see during a multipoint call can vary depending on how the
Polycom HDX system is configured, the number of sites participating, the
number of monitors you are using, and whether content is shared. The
multipoint viewing mode configured on the host system is the one used in the
• If you need to generate touch tones (DTMF tones), press on the remote
control, or press and choose Touch Tones. Then use the remote control
number buttons.
• SIP calls do not support meeting passwords. SIP endpoints calling into a
multipoint call protected by a password might not be able to join the call.