2–Event Messages
Alarm Events
59060-07 D 2-41
(A1007.0023) (Invalid response authenticator from RADIUS server IP_address:port, check
shared secret
Meaning: There is a Remote Authentication Dial In Service (RADIUS)
configuration problem.
Action: Confirm that the shared secret configured on the switch is identical
to the shared secret configured on the RADIUS server.
(A1007.0024) (Invalid access accept from RADIUS server IP_address:port, bad or missing
Meaning: A service-type Remote Authentication Dial In Service (RADIUS)
attribute was not found in a RADIUS packet.
Action: This is a RADIUS server configuration issue. Consult your RADIUS
server documentation.
(A1007.0025) (Security feature not supported.)
Meaning: The switch is coming out of Non-Disruptive Code Load and
Activation (NDCLA) and had an active security prior to the NDCLA,
but the security feature is no longer supported.
Action: A license key may be required for the security feature.
(A1007.0026) (Unable to validate Chap Response from device_WWN, possible Chap secret
misconfiguration or security breach attempt.)
Meaning: A Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
authentication attempt failed due to failure while comparing
Action: Check security configuration.
(A1007.0027) (Radius server could not validate authentication response from port_number)
Meaning: Remote Authentication Dial In Service (RADIUS) authentication
Action: Confirm that the secret is the same on the switch as it is on the
RADIUS server.
(A1007.0028) (Security: 2-Way Authentication, No security entry found for port)
Meaning: Unable to locate a security member entry to complete a two-way
Action: Edit the group to include the port.