2–Event Messages
Warning Events
2-68 59060-07 D
(W) (8400.0018) (Switch) (User account_name login rejected - maximum logins already in
Meaning: The attempted login was rejected because there are too many
sessions. There may be switch management sessions open on the
switch that are no longer in use.
(W) (8400.001F) (Switch) (User account_name login rejected - maximum logins already in
Meaning: The attempted login was rejected because there are too many
sessions. There may be switch management sessions open on the
switch that are no longer in use.
(W) (8400.0020) (Switch) (User account_name login rejected - maximum logins already in
Meaning: The attempted login was rejected because there are too many
sessions. There may be switch management sessions open on the
switch that are no longer in use.
(W) (8400.0021) (Switch) (User account_name login rejected - maximum logins already in
Meaning: The attempted login was rejected because there are too many
sessions. There may be switch management sessions open on the
switch that are no longer in use.
(W) (8400.0034) (Switch) (Port port_number was Downed before hotreset due to excessive
errors - still DOWNED)
Meaning: A port was disabled by the threshold monitoring application before
the hot reset and is still disabled after the hot reset.
(W) (8400.0035) (Switch) (Retrying port port_number that was Downed due to excessive
Meaning: A port that was disabled by the threshold monitoring application is
periodically being retried to see if the error conditions have been
(W) (8400.003D) (Switch) (Invalid user (user_name) attempted to log into switch)
Meaning: Invalid user login attempt.
(W) (8400.007D) (Switch) (ntp: attempting to synchronize to server at ip_address]
Meaning: The switch is attempting to synchronize its time with the Network
Time Protocol (NTP) server at the specified IP address.