2–Event Messages
Critical Events
59060-07 D 2-65
(C) (8B00.000A) (Unable to provide profile processing information, the CallHome service
is updating configuration)
Meaning: Profile status information is not available while the Call Home
service configuration is being updated.
(C) (8B00.000B) (Unable to change SMTP servers because the CallHome service is
updating configuration)
Meaning: You cannot change the active Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) server while updating the Call Home service configuration.
(C) (8B00.000C) (FromEmailAddress has not been configured in the CallHome setup.
Messages cannot be sent to the SMTP server until this condition is
Meaning: The FromEmailAddress must be specified in the Call Home service
configuration. This e-mail address will receive notifications from the
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) servers concerning e-mail
messages that could not be delivered.
(C) (8B00.0012) (Critical protocol failure with SMTP server)
Meaning: Communications have failed, or an unrecoverable Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) protocol error has occurred on the active
SMTP server.
(C) (8B00.0014) (Successful recovery of SMTP communications)
Meaning: Communications have been re-established with one of the Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) servers following a communications
(C) (8B00.0016) (SMTP server ip_address, port port_number, did not accept any recipients
from profile profile. Email message will not be sent for this profile.)
Meaning: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server does not
recognize or could not resolve any of the recipient e-mail
addresses listed for the profile.
(C) (8F00.000C) Fabric Status
Meaning: The severity level of the fabric status has changed. The description
field will show the reason for fabric status.
(C) (8F00.000D) Switch Status
Meaning: The severity level of the switch status has changed. The
description field will show the reason for the switch status.