4 – Managing Switches
Displaying Switch Information
59022-11 A 4-9
Super User Super user privileges enabled/disabled
Enforcement of account names and authority (always
Vendor Switch manufacturer
Firmware Version Active firmware version
Inactive Firmware Version This field does not apply to this switch
Pending Firmware Version Firmware version that will be activated at the next reset
PROM/Flasher Version PROM firmware version
MAC Address Media Access Control address
IP Address Internet Protocol address
Subnet Mask Mask that determines the IP address subnet
Gateway Gateway address
SNMP Enabled SNMP enabled or disabled.
Negotiated Domain ID The domain ID currently being used by the fabric
Configured Domain ID The domain ID defined by network administrator
Domain ID Lock Domain ID lock status. Prevents (True) or permits (False)
dynamic domain ID reassignment.
Number of Ports Number of ports activated on the switch
Switch Type Switch model
Operational State Switch operational state: Online, Offline, Diagnostic,
Administrative State Current switch administrative state
Configured Admin State Switch administrative state that is stored in the switch
R_A_TOV Resource allocation timeout value
E_D_TOV Error detect timeout value
Table 4-2. Switch Data Window Entries (Continued)
Entry Description