A – Command Line Interface
Set Setup Command
A-78 59022-11 A
UserAuthServer Enable (True) or disable (False) this server for user account
authentication. A user authentication RADIUS server
requires a secure management connection (SSL). The
default is True.
AccountingServer Enable (True) or disable (False) this server for auditing of
activity during a user session. When enabled, user activity is
audited whether UserAuthServer is enabled or not.The
default is False. The accounting server UDP port number is
the ServerUDPPort value plus 1 (default 1813).
Timeout Number of seconds to wait to receive a response from the
RADIUS server before timing out. The default is 2.
Retries Number of retries after the first attempt to establish
communication with the RADIUS server fails. The default is
SignPackets Enable (True) or disable (False) the use of sign packets to
protect the RADIUS server packet integrity. The default is
Secret 32-byte hex string or 16-byte ASCII string used as a
password for authentication purposes between the switch
and the RADIUS server.
Table A-23. RADIUS Service Settings
Entry Description