A – Command Line Interface
Set Config Command
A-60 59022-11 A
Set Config Command
Sets switch, port, port threshold alarm, security, and zoning configuration
parameters. The changes you make with this command are not retained when you
reset or power cycle the switch unless you save them using the Config Save
command. Refer to the ”Config Command” on page A-16.
Authority Admin session and a Config Edit session
Syntax set config
port [port_number]
ports [port_number]
Keywords port [port_number]
Initiates an edit session in which to change configuration parameters for the port
number given by [port_number]. If you omit [port_number], the system begins with
port 0 and proceeds in order through the last port. For each parameter, enter a
new value or press the Enter key to accept the current value shown in brackets.
Enter “q” to end the configuration for one port, or “qq” to end the configuration for
all ports. Table A-18 describes the port parameters.
ports [port_number]
Initiates an editing session in which to change configuration parameters for all
ports based on the configuration for the port given by [port_number]. If you omit
[port_number], port 0 is used. For each parameter, enter a new value or press the
Enter key to accept the current value shown in brackets. Enter “q” to end the
configuration. Tabl e A-18 describes the port parameters.
Table A-18. Set Config Port Parameters
Parameter Description
AdminState Port administrative state:
Online – Activates and prepares the port to send data.
This is the default.
Offline – Prevents the port from receiving signal and
accepting a device login.
Diagnostics – Prepares the port for testing and prevents
the port from accepting a device login.
Down – Disables the port by removing power from the
port lasers.
LinkSpeed Transmission speed: 1-Gbps, 2-Gbps, or Auto. The default is
PortType Port type: GL, G, F, FL, Donor. The default is GL.