9–Fibre Channel Interactive Commands
HBA Parameters
9-10 SN0054667-00 C
Configure HBA Parameters (-n)
1. HBA Parameters<port selection>2. Configure HBA Parameters
From the HBA Parameters Menu, select the Configure HBA Parameters option
to open the Configure Parameters Menu with options to configure connection
options, data rate, frame size, hard loop ID, loop reset delay, BIOS, Fibre Channel
tape support, operation mode, interrupt delay timer, execution throttle, login retry
count, port down retry count, LIP full login, link down timeout, target reset, LUNS
per target, and receive out of order frame. For detailed information about these
parameters, see Table 5-9. For example:
Configure Parameters Menu
HBA : 0 Port: 1
SN : GFC0718P57753
HBA Model : QLE2462
HBA Desc. : QLE2462 PCI Express to 4Gb FC Dual Channel
FW Version : 4.00.26
WWPN : 21-00-00-1B-32-17-F9-C4
WWNN : 20-00-00-1B-32-17-F9-C4
Link : Online
1: Connection Options
2: Data Rate
3: Frame Size
4: Hard Loop ID
5: Loop Reset Delay (seconds)
6: Enable BIOS
7: Enable HBA Hard Loop ID
8: Enable Fibre Channel Tape Support
9: Operation Mode
10: Interrupt Delay Timer (100ms)
11: Execution Throttle
12: Login Retry Count
13: Port Down Retry Count
14: Enable LIP Full Login
15: Link Down Timeout (seconds)
16: Enable Target Reset
17: LUNs per Target
18: Enable Receive Out Of Order Frame
19: Commit Changes
20: Abort Changes