5–Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands
-m (View, Enable, or Disable LUNs)
SN0054667-00 C 5-25
To view the current select state of a specific LUN, issue the following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -m (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) (<target wwnn>
<target wwpn> <lun id>) (view | info)
If the input represents a valid LUN, QConvergeConsole CLI shows that LUN’s
current state as selected or deselected for that adapter.
To enable (select) a LUN on a specific target on a specific adapter, issue the
following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -m (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) {<target wwnn>
<target wwpn> <lun id> ( 1 | enable | select )}
To disable (deselect) a LUN on a specific target on a specific adapter, issue the
following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -m (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) {<target wwnn>
<target wwpn> <lun id> (0 | disable | deselect)}
To enable (select) all LUNs for a specific target on a specific adapter, issue the
following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -m (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) select | enable
<target wwnn> <target wwpn>
To disable (deselect) all LUNs for a specific target on a specific adapter, issue the
following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -m (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) deselect | disable
<target wwnn> <target wwpn>
To enable (select) all LUNs of all targets on a specific adapter:
# qaucli -pr fc -m (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) select all
To disable (deselect) all LUNs of all targets on a specific adapter:
# qaucli -pr fc -m (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) deselect all
You can repeat the sequence <target wwnn> <target wwpn> <lun
id> 1 to select multiple LUNs in the same command.
To select multiple LUNs in the same command, repeat the following
<target wwnn> <target wwpn> <lun id> 0