4–NIC Noninteractive Commands
-teamlist (Display Teams List)
SN0054667-00 C 4-17
(Display Teams List)
To view a list of all previously configured teams (if any), issue the -teamlist
command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -teamlist
For example:
> qaucli -pr nic -teamlist
Using config file: .\netscli.cfg
Loading: 1. CNA ...
Loading: 1. CNA Port index : 1 ...
Loading: 1. CNA Port index : 2 ...
Team: 1 Team Description: QLogic VT-IM Miniport Driver #2 VLAN ID: None
Team Type: Fail Over
Team Members:
CNA: 1 CNA Port: 1 MAC: 00:c0:dd:0a:b1:a8 Description: QLogic 10Gb PCI
Ethernet Adapter
CNA: 1 CNA Port: 2 MAC: 00:c0:dd:0a:b1:a9 Description: QLogic 10Gb PCI
Ethernet Adapter #2
(Configure New Team)
To configure a new team, issue the -teamnew command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -teamnew <team_type> <port_insts|ALL>
Where team_type specifies a numeric value and port_insts specifies a list
of comma-separated port indices (for example 1,2).
The team_type variable can have the following values:
Fail-safe team
Switch independent load balancing
802.3ad static team
802.3ad dynamic team—
active link aggregation control protocol (LACP)
802.3ad dynamic team—passive LACP