G36D Zero Clearance Direct Vent Gas Fireplace
Combustible mantel leg clearances as per
Determine the total thickness of facing
material (e.g. drywall plus ceramic tiles) to
allow the fi nished surface to be fl ush with
the front of the unit. Total facing thickness
can vary from 1/2" (13mm) to 1-1/4" (32mm)
Maximum 1-1/2" projection at 2" minimum
Frame in the enclosure for the unit with
framing material. The framed opening is
37-1/4" high x 36-1/4" wide x 17-3/8" deep
(946mm high x 921mm wide x 441mm
The clearances listed below are Minimum
distances unless otherwise stated:
A major cause of chimney related fi res is
failure to maintain required clearances (air
space) to combustible materials. It is of the
greatest importance that this fi replace and
vent system be installed only in accordance
Clearance to Combustibles from:
NOTE: The minimum fl oor clearance must
be maintained from the top surface of the
Minimum Clearance from Top of Unit to:
from top of unit. 32" (1016mm)
Horizontal Vent Clearances
* see mantle clearance instructions
For exterior walls, insulate the enclosure to
the same degree as the rest of the house,
apply vapour barrier and drywall, as per
local installation codes.
The top of the unit must not be closer than
32" (813mm) to the ceiling.
Fire hazard is an extreme risk if
these clearances are not adhered to.
It is of greatest importance that this
fi replace and vent system be
installed only in accordance with
Install Side Nailing Strips, Top Facing
Support, and Top Standoffs before unit
is slipped into position. See the "Unit
Aseembly Prior to Installation" section for
Duct Kit has different clearance and framing
36-1/4" 37-1/4" 17-3/8" 46-1/2"*
921mm 946mm 441mm 1181mm*
* 'D' is Minimum height to combustible materials
including the Minimum 2-1/2" (64mm) Top
clearance to the Horizontal Vent.
36-1/4" 37-1/4" 17-3/8" 46-1/2"*
921mm 946mm 441mm 1181mm*
36-1/4" 37-1/4" 17-3/8" 46-1/2"*
921mm 946mm 441mm 1181mm*
36-1/4" 37-1/4" 17-3/8" 46-1/2"*
921mm 946mm 441mm 1181mm*