ADF (Automatic Document Feeder):
A device which feeds the pages of a multi-page document one at a time, in the
order that you arranged the pages in the stack.
Batch Numbering (Page Count):
This is a way of numbering pages that allows you to check whether you received
all pages, and if not, which ones are missing. For example, if you receive two
pages with P1/3 printed on one and P2/3 on the other, you have just received a
three-page document but page 3 didn’t make it.
BPS (Bits Per Second):
This is the data communication rate in G3 mode, your fax terminal digitizes
documents, transforming them into ’bit’-binary digits- (an average page will
produce about 200,000 of them), and then sends them out at a top speed of
2,400 to 9,600 bps, depending on the model.
In G3 fax communication terminology, broadcasting is the transmission of a
document to more than one address in sequence, not simultaneously.
This committee sets international standards for communication.
Transmission or reception.
When used as a noun, this refers to a printout, either in copy mode or receive
Country Code:
In international dialing, this is the code that directs the call to the country where
the terminal that you wish to send to is located.
Called Subscriber Identification.
Default Setting:
See "Factory Setting".
Dial Pulses:
These are dialing signals that your terminal sends out if it uses pulse dialing.
This is the original page or set of pages that you wish to send.