Dialing with the Telephone Directory
This can be done for any number that you have stored as a Speed Dial code with
a label programmed for it.
Example: You wish to Dial "XYZ CO. LONDON"
1. Make sure that the machine is in
standby mode.
2. Carefully place your fax message into
the auto document feeder.
3. Press the Speed Dial/Tel Directory Key.
NOTE: On Type II models, you will see
"0-1" in the upper right corner of
the display
4. Press the appropriate Quick Dial key for
the Speed dial label.
Letter Quick Dial Letter Quick Dial Letter Quick Dial Letter
01 ABC 02 DEF 03 GHI 04 JKL
05 MNO 06 PQR 07 STU 08 VWXYZ
5. If the label you want does not appear,
scroll through the labels using the and
keys until you find it.
6. Press the Yes key to dial the number you want.
7. Either:
❐ Dial more numbers. (Broadcasting:Type I only)
❐ Press the Start key.
Speed Dial : page 29.