
6. New File Report
This report ISprinted immediately after you store a document in memory
Occasionally, a fractional number will appear in the Pages column For example,
1 2 means that two pages were stored but only one could be sent
7. Memory Transmission Report
This report is printed after every transmission that used the memory, whether It was suc-
cessful or unsuccessful.
If you wish, part of the message that was stored can be printed below this report This
may be useful for you to refer to in the event of a memory transmission failure To have
this feature enabled, call service.
The memory transmission report can be disabled by service. However, If this report is dis-
abled, polling file list output after polling reception will also be disabled
Note: For an explanation of the Pages column, see item 6 above (New File Report)
8. Power Failure Report
If the power fails or is switched off, all documents stored in the memory (including confi-
dential and substitute receptions) will be erased.
When power is restored, a power failure report is printed, informing you of the files that
were lost
Check the File Type column. If there are any files given as CONFIDENTIAL
RX, SUBSTITUTE RX or ECM FILE, a received fax message was erased (sub-
stitute reception is explained in
“Receive File” on page 7-11 ) To find out
who sent these files so that you can ask them to resend, look In the Remote
Terminal Identification column.
. For an explanation of the Pages column, see item 6 above (New File Report).