8-1 Confidential Transmission
A confidentially transmitted message IS stored in the
memory of the receiving terminal. ‘The message can
only be printed out after authorized personnel at the
remote terminal enter the correct password.
For extra security, you can specify the password for
the message if the receiver is an R61 O, FAX70E,
FAX1OOOL, R830, FAX35 or another FAX75. This
personal password WIII override the password that the
remote terminal user has previously stored in his ma-
chine, which would normally be used for printing con-
fidential messages
Co-ordinate with the receiver
operator before using this feature
Notes: .
Confidential transmission can not take
place If the receiving terminal has no
memory, or if the receiver’s memory IS
. Only one address can be designated.
● Confidential transmission cannot be
made from memory.